Dear Customers,
Things are stabilizing in China with most of the areas, except for Wuhan / Hubei province, being back to normal working conditions. According to information received from our active shippers, the productivity is back to 80 to 90% levels in South China.
We are starting to see additional flights being added to/from China, and an increase in the level of bookings for oceanfreight as well.
Our partners across Europe have advised they have measures in place to ensure continuity of their operations, with employees either working from their offices or from home.
As Europe has become the epicenter of the outbreak, and with the decision of the US to ban flights from Europe with the exception of the UK, we have been advised that the airfreight capacity is being impacted, and space is getting tight for flights to Canada.
Spain has declared a state of emergency. However, there no restrictions so far for air and ocean shipments to Canada.
We will keep you informed about further developments. We truly appreciate your patience, understanding and cooperation. Please do not hesitate to contact our Sales and CSR teams, as am of us at ITN continue to work on finding and offering solutions to minimize the impact on your organization activities.
We will revert with further updates as received from the areas with major outbreaks.